Welcome to Our Lady of Hungary Church's website
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Main page
Our location
Our Church
Our Community
Hungarian School
Liturgy, Church Year
                 and Prayer

Our History
Life At Our Parish
Daily Scripture Readings
               and Meditations

This community has offered Catholic worship, teaching and ministry since 1962 to all who pass through the doors of this heritage site.

Its a special joy for us to offer an open door to you.

We hope you will come to know a little more of our Parish history, life and work through your visit.

Please be welcome at our daily and Sunday services throughout the year.

We invite you to participate in our Catholic way of life.

For the latest actualities please see Facebook page at:
Vancouveri Katolikus Templom
Our Lady of Hungary Church
1810 East 7th Avenue
Vancouver B.C. V5N 1S2
Tel: 604-253-2577
Fax: 604-253-2244
Plébános: Lakatos Dénes
This home-page was prepared by Rev. Pesznyák Béla then by Rev. Denes Lakatos, while pages been edited by Laszlo t. Orban (kvariOlt@iCloud.com)